Basic aspects of the Trager Approach

The path to lightness begins with the therapist

During their training, the therapists learn to develop the same qualities for themselves that they would like to pass on - to an extent that is not usual in therapeutic work. "It's the way I touch," said Milton Trager, "not the technique that is important.”

As Trager® Practitioners, we learn to feel through a subtle listening and questioning of the body tissues with a soft touch – the Trager® touch – and propose light rhythmic undulating movements that resonate through the body. These waves invite the client to experience the feeling of new positive sensations that will send messages through the central nervous system to our unconscious mind that possible new positive perceptions, new ways of being can be felt in the body, such as lightness, mobility and freedom. Both body and mind can experience tension release, holding patterns can let go, generating a sense of harmony, unity and peace.


Feeling Weight

Creating an awareness for the feeling of weight allows for release of old holding and tension patterns within and gradually leads to a much more open feeling, much more ‘free and easy’.

Wave Movement

During the course of a Trager® session, thousands of subtle movements are initiated by the practitioner. Each of these movements sets a wave in motion or responds to the wave that has been previously set in motion. The wave movement continues through the whole body and creates an experience of wholeness. A new feeling of balance can be experienced.

Quality of touch

The experienced practitioner's hands are soft and questioning so that a subtle dialogue occurs, in which the practitioner asks and receives information about the client's tissue.


The questions "what would be easier? - what would be freer?" guide us to deeper self-awareness, and allow us to develop the softness and deep connection that distinguishes the Trager® Approach from other treatment modalities


Hook up - deep presence

‘Hook-up’ is a coined expression that Dr. Milton Trager used to describe a state of presence. He wanted to express that we are connected to everything that surrounds us. This state of calm presence is an important part of the Trager® session.


Our body can remember and bring an experience into consciousness. This activates a great chemical, neurological and muscular interaction and the body reproduces muscle tone, movement, feeling, temperature and pressure of the remembered situation. Trager® supports positive memory so that its uplifting and healing effect can be integrated into daily life.

Reflex Response

Reflex Response is a component, a tool of the Trager® Approach, that requires the active involvement of the client. It can be integrated into a session to stimulate the perception of a specific area, to emphasize a feeling, or to balance an area.

It may be beneficial for joints that have been overused due to posture patterns or habitual movement patterns, or sometimes even in the case of paralysis.


This is an opportunity for the client, who may remain fully dressed, to receive a new feeling experience in a complete resting position. The practitioner’s touch is constantly informed and adapted by the client’s tissue response. These gentle, listening movements allow a deep relaxation in which many body systems come into balance.


Mentastics® are simple, effortless movements. We explore them with our clients before, after or during a session to enhance the effect of the Trager® session and to allow the client to replicate its benefits at home.

Mentastics® are developed individually according to the client’s needs and can be extended, changed or adapted by the clients themselves anytime and anywhere. They become an important part of daily wellbeing.